21 Best Places to Camp in India in 2023

by - Emma72

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Best Places to Camp in India

India is a land of diversity and adventure. From the majestic Himalayas to the tropical beaches, there’s something for everyone in this country.

If you’re looking for an outdoor experience with nature at its best, then camping is definitely one of your options! Here are some of our favorite places to camp in India:

21 Best Places to Camp in India in 2023

1. Tirthan Valley, Himachal Pradesh

The Tirthan Valley is located in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. It is a popular destination for tourists, especially during the summer months.

The valley has many attractions, including waterfalls and lakes that can be explored by boat or kayak. There are also several hiking trails on offer so you can enjoy some exercise while visiting this beautiful place!

The valley is also home to a number of temples and monuments, including the Tirthan Temple and the Naina Devi Temple. There are also many shops where you can buy souvenirs or simply enjoy some fresh fruit while on your holiday.

2. Nubra Valley, Ladakh

Nubra Valley is a valley located in Leh district of Ladakh region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The valley is situated at an altitude of 3,500 meters above mean sea level. It forms part of the Himalayas on its north-eastern side and shares border with Tibet on its south-eastern side.

The name ‘Nubra’ means ‘sky blue’, which refers to the colour of water flowing from glaciers here during monsoon season (May–October).

3. Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

Rishikesh is a holy city, famous for its temples, ashrams and yoga centers. It is also known as the Yoga Capital of the World.

Rishikesh is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes and is a great place to camp.

There are many campsites in Rishikesh, and they are usually very cheap. If you want to camp on the banks of the Ganges River, there are many places that offer this service. The best time to camp in Rishikesh is during November-February, when the weather is cool and pleasant.

4. Hampi, Karnataka

This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular places to camp in India. Hampi is the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire, which ruled from 14th century to 16th century. It’s also an important center for Hinduism and Jainism.

Hampi boasts some of the best-preserved examples of Vijayanagara architecture, including many temples built on top of hilltops so that they could be seen from afar by visitors coming down from their campsites at night!

5. Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh

Spiti Valley is a beautiful place to camp in India. It’s located in the state of Himachal Pradesh and has many places to visit such as Kye Monastery, Ki Monastery, Tabo Monastery.

The area also has many natural attractions such as waterfalls and lakes that provide great opportunities for hiking during your stay there.

6. Chamba, Himachal Pradesh

Chamba is a town in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. It is situated at an elevation of 1,890 m above sea level, in the Chamba Valley on the Beas River.

Chamba was first visited by Alexander Cunningham and his party in 1815-16. He named it “Chamban” after a nearby village which he thought was named Chauban; however this name has not been used before or after this period.

7. Meghalaya, North East India

Meghalaya is a beautiful state in the north east of India. It has some of the best places to camp in India, with many waterfalls and lakes. The state is home to many tribes, including the Garos, Khasis and Jaintias.

The capital city of Shillong has several campsites where you can stay for free if you ask nicely!

8. Andaman and Nicobar Islands

If you’re looking for a place where you can explore the islands and beaches, then Andaman and Nicobar Islands are perfect for camping! The best places to camp in India are on these islands, where there is plenty of space and opportunity for adventure.

The beaches here are perfect for swimming with dolphins or riding waves from your kayak. You can also go snorkeling at reefs close by or hike through rainforests that have never been touched by humans before (but don’t worry: they’re safe).

There’s even a national park where you can spot elephants, tigers, and leopards! If hiking isn’t your thing, then relax on one of these beaches instead—they’re so beautiful that they’ll make any outdoor enthusiast smile no matter what kind of activity they’re doing at that moment.

9. Manali, Himachal Pradesh

Manali, a popular hill station in Himachal Pradesh, is known for its beautiful natural beauty. It is situated at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level and has an area of 647 square kilometers. The city is home to over 200 hotels and resorts that provide best accommodation options for tourists visiting this place.

Manali has many attractions such as Rohtang Pass, Solang Valley and Vashisht Temple which makes it one of the best places to camp in India!

10. Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh

  • Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh

Located near the town of Bandhavgarh and is a part of the Kanha-Pench Tiger Reserve. It was created in 1968 to protect and preserve the wildlife in its vicinity. The park covers an area of 1234 km² with an extension from 6 to 134 km from its main entrance point at Gudari village on NH-57 on either side, where it joins NH 2 (India’s longest national highway).

  • Ranthambore National Park – Rajasthan

Ranthambore National Park (RNP) is situated in Jaipur district Rajasthan state India and spreads over 120 sq km area consisting mainly of open grasslands interspersed with scrub forest areas which are inhabited by dense population of wild animals including elephants, sambar deer etc.,

11. Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu

Kodaikanal is a hill station and taluk in the Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu, India. It is referred to as the “Princess of Hill Stations”, and it attracts visitors from all over India for its pleasant climate, beautiful landscape, and famous national parks like Kodaikanal National Park and Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary.

The town was established by British officers during the early years of India’s independence movement (1857–1947). It was later developed into a resort town by members of local Indian aristocracy who wished to escape from crowded cities such as Chennai which were experiencing rapid growth at that time due to industrialization.

12. Goa

Goa is a popular tourist destination in India. The state of Goa has a tropical climate, with four distinct seasons. Summer temperatures are generally hot, while winter can be cold and wet.

Goa’s beaches are some of the most popular places on earth to enjoy a long weekend away from home—it’s easy to see why! You can find water sports like surfing or scuba diving at many places along the coast or even check out some local culture by wandering through Old Goa’s streets and alleyways.

You may also want to visit one of Goa’s many historical monuments; whether you’re interested in religious architecture such as churches or mosques or art collections such as museums containing ancient statues from around India (and beyond), there will be something appealing for everyone here!

13. Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh

Kanha National Park, located in Madhya Pradesh, is one of the best places to go camping in India. It was established in 1955 and is home to the Bengal Tigers.

The park has an area of 2,300 square kilometers with an elevation ranging from 500 meters above sea level at its lowest point to 2,500 meters above sea level at its highest point (the park is also known as Bori Hills).

The Kanha National Park has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979 due to its natural beauty and rich biodiversity that includes tigers and elephants among other animals like leopards and gaur (Indian bison).

14. Pangot, Uttarakhand

Pangot is a small town in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand, India. It is located at an altitude of 1,600 metres (5,200 ft) and is the gateway to Nanda Devi National Park.

The town has been named after its founder Raghunath Singh (Guru Nanak), who was born here in 1599 AD. The town also houses a temple dedicated to Guru Nanak’s brother Kartar Singh Bir (Shahji Bhagat).

15. Rajasthan

Rajasthan is a state in India that’s known for its forts, palaces and temples. It also has a rich cultural heritage. We’re talking about an area that attracts tourists from all over the world because of its unique culture and relatively cheap accommodation options.

Rajasthan is home to many ancient sites like Ajmer Fort and Ranthambhore National Park, which are great places to camp out when you want to experience some nature on your travels.

16. Kaziranga National Park, Assam

Kaziranga National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that’s home to the world’s largest population of the Indian one-horned rhinoceros. It’s also known for being home to one of India’s most beautiful national parks,

with its dense forests and myriad wildlife species like elephants, tigers and leopards. Kaziranga National Park was declared as a tiger reserve in 2006 after an ambitious conservation project by WWF (World Wildlife Foundation).

Today there are around 50 adult tigers living in this area but they aren’t always easy to spot because they spend most their time in deep forests where humans can’t follow them easily without good equipment such as cameras or binoculars!

17. The Great Himalayan National Park, Himachal Pradesh

The Great Himalayan National Park is a national park and biosphere reserve located in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. It is India’s first trans-Himalayan national park and the largest high altitude national park in the world.

The Ganges River originates from glaciers on Mount Kailash; it flows through Nepal before flowing into India, where it meets its tributary Yamuna at Allahabad (India’s second largest city) which then empties into the Bay of Bengal via Jogindar Sagar Lake (a dam).

18. Rann of Kutch, Gujarat

Rann of Kutch is a salt marsh located in the Thar Desert in the Kutch District of Gujarat, India. It is Asia’s largest salt desert and one of the most popular tourist destinations during winter season.

It has been declared as a Ramsar Site by UNESCO due to its importance to wildlife conservation. The Rann of Kutch was formed from endospermic deposits that happened when ancient seas dried up several million years ago.

The area consists mainly of mudflats with shallow subtidal areas where salt crusts form on top; these are known as “saline flats” since they contain large amounts of sodium chloride (NaCl) crystals that accumulate over time due to evaporation from water runoff into them

during rainy seasons or after heavy rains occur during monsoon season when rivers flow into this region every year around June–September timeframe depending upon rainfall patterns etcetera…

19. Mcleodganj, Himachal Pradesh

Mcleodganj is a hill station in Himachal Pradesh. It is the home of the Dalai Lama and many other Tibetan Buddhist monks. This area has become a popular tourist spot because of its natural beauty, history and proximity to Delhi.

Mcleodganj has many hotels and restaurants as well as fantastic views over the beautiful mountains surrounding it.

20. Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh

Dharamshala is a city in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. It is the second largest city in the Kangra valley after Kangra, and also one of the most popular tourist destinations in northern India.

The town’s name translates to “abode of peace”, but it has become famous for its spiritual significance as well as its scenic beauty.

Dharamshala was founded by Guru Hargobind Sahib, who established Sikhism here after his victory over Aurangzeb at Anandpur Sahib on 6 October 1664 CE (which may be considered one year before Guru Arjan Dev’s birth).

In 1720 CE, Maharaja Ranjit Singh gained control over this region with help from British East India Company forces led by General Goddard who were stationed there during WWII when they helped defeat Japanese invasion forces near Delhi railway station

which was attacked by about 200 planes carrying bombs filled with cyanide gas called Zyklon B – so-called because it smells like cologne!

21. Dandeli, Karnataka

Dandeli is a beautiful place to visit in Karnataka. It’s a perfect place for camping, with many wildlife sanctuaries around the area. There are also many good places to stay when you visit Dandeli.


There are so many places to camp in India that it can be difficult to choose just one. The best part is that each of these beautiful regions offers its own unique experience, from the desert dunes of Rajasthan to the forests of Uttarakhand and Chamba.

Each region also has its own history and culture, so there’s plenty for any traveler – whether you want adventure or quiet solitude within nature.

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